Thursday, July 5, 2012

Date: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 10:45 AM
Subject: EXT :Things I've learned

1) When the room temp has been 90 degrees for a few days, toothpaste comes out really fast! (and syrupy) Hopefully, green is its natural color.

2) This morning, the sky and my pool were the same color. Partly, to mostly, cloudy.

3) Each level of my home has its own ambient temperature: Ground floor = stifling, first floor = torrid, second floor = inferno.

4) You never have enough towels.

5) There's rarely a nice breeze when you need one.

6) My water heater can keep water comfortably warm for (at least) four days.

7) Certain books can only be read a limited number of times. Then they become. . . trash.

8) It takes one full charge of my laptop's battery to recharge my iPhone. At least the phone is easier to lug around town.

9) As I said in an earlier post, old habits are tough to break. Four days in and I'm still flipping light switches!

10) I hate birds.

Please let me know if you'd like to be spared any future rants or ravings, and I'll take you off of distribution. I don't want to piss anyone off, I'm just trying to share the joys of suburban life.

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