Thursday, July 5, 2012

Date: July 4, 2012 6:20:48 AM EDT
Subject: Anticipation. . .

is making me wait. And tomorrow. . .
(Carly Simon sucks)

Captains Log: Year 0, Day 5

Actually, not much more to say. I'm tuckered out. I stink. I'm tired. I'm hungry. Yes, I am but one of a huddled mass. The 'mass' consists of approximately 38,555 (give or take a few. . . thousand!) county customers celebrating Independence Day in what I am referring to as "hobo mode".

And we ARE independent. Independent of BASIC creature comforts, which we are being denied,such as:

The ability to watch crappy reality shows on 60" plasma TV's. (with 7.1surround sound, of course!)

The ability to have Pandora stream our
blasts from the past through said sound system.

The ability to watch "Ishtar" on Netflix as it pours in through the wi-fi enabled blu-ray player.

I mean, what are we? Savages?

On the bright side, I ran into some old friends at the iPhone Docking Establishment last night. Hadn't seen them in years and they live all of a block and a half away from me. I felt like a douche, but I was really happy to see them. Good folks, and they're doing well. Also without power, they'll be spending the day at the laundromat. I wish I had that much energy.

Also on the bright side, the two waves of thunderstorms that came screaming out of the Ohio Valley last night broke up over the mountains in western Maryland, sparing us more aggravation. I love mountains. I hate birds, but I love mountains!

(By the way, I'm getting really good at picking up potential storm fronts on doppler radar maps! (Watch out, Bob Turk.)

Finally, thanks to everyone for bearing with me these past few days. Your words of encouragement, suggestions, offers to help, etc. really meant a lot.

This is probably my last mass transmission. Obscure alien life forms have started to appear in my peripheral vision. They, in some way, appear almost . . human. As if. . . they were. . . somewhat like. . . BGE repairmen! But I haven't lost my sanity. I know it's just a mirage.

Phasers on stun.

Kirk out.

Sent from my constantly dying iPhone

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